Hand Sanitizer Spray
Did you know "anti-bacterial" hand sanitizers contain toxic chemicals that enter our system through our pores, disrupt our immune system, throw off our hormones, and so much more? These chemicals also weaken our actual skin cells, making us MORE exposed and MORE likely to get sick. Not to mention the super strong added fragrances that cause a whole separate list of side effects
This 2oz blend has been formulated to be anti-fungal, anti-microbial, and anti-bacterial ~ while actually BOOSTING your immune system at the same time!
Made with 100% natural ingredients, always!
**External use only. Jade Dragon Apothecary recommends asking your doctor before using any of our products if you are on medication or have a serious condition. These products and statements are not approved by the FDA nor are they a cure or replacement for medication. Jade Dragon Apothecary is not responsible for any reactions to our products. Read all ingredients carefully, and always test products on patch of skin before use.